Hikes you Should do at Sunrise

There’s nothing quite like waking up early to take in the beauty of nature. The best way to do this is by hiking, and there are a number of hikes that you can try at sunrise. Here are 8 hikes that you should consider!

Oahu’s most popular sunrise hike is the Makapu’u Point Lighthouse trail in Oahu. This scenic and moderately challenging trek will take you about three hours round-trip, but it offers stunning views of Kaneohe Bay on a clear day. You’ll have to be up early for this one though! The lighthouse opens at dawn so try to get there before that if possible (opens at 06:00).

If you’re looking for a more accessible sunrise hike in Hawaii then try to find the Aloha Station Trail on Oahu or Hanauma Bay trail on oahu (which will take about an hour roundtrip). These are both easy hikes that provide stunning views well worth the early morning effort!

While we’ve already mentioned Diamond Head as being one of the best spots to watch Honolulu city lights from at dawn, there’s also another great spot which is called Koko Crater Botanical Garden. This offers some nice shaded paths through native plants so if you want something really tranquil this would be a good option for you. The garden opens at 07:00 so plan your hike accordingly!

The Makiki Neighborhood Trail on Oahu is another great option for a sunrise hike. It’s not too long, but it is very steep in places and you’ll need to have good balance just to stay upright at points (which will make footing tricky). The views might be worth the early morning effort though–you can see Diamond Head from here as well as Honolulu city lights if they’re visible that day. This trail opens at 05:30 so keep that in mind when planning your trip!

The Makapu’u Point Lighthouse trail in Oahu offers some great sunrise views and moderate difficulty, but hikers can only enjoy this before 06:00 when the lighthouse opens for tours.